Family Matters

It couldn't be simpler. The only reason family is so "sacredly close" is because ideally (or realistically, or supposedly, or traditionally ect, whatever) you spend the most time and/or shared experiences with them, so you theoretically achieve an understanding despite differences in philosophy and opinion.

What people fail to do, and I say fail, is to realize that if despite all of this you do not achieve this understanding, you are not obligated to support any specific feelings towards or with family. If specifics in dna and a fist full of early memories is all you share, then accept that as the only thing you share.

It may be mentally awkward to "denounce" a family member, or maybe not, but it's much more awkward to try and accept a person who is truly incompatible with your life based on a family tie. Myself, more than anyone I've discussed this with, is willing to put up with people for the sake of challenging myself, my thoughts, and the perspectives of the people I've met. Despite the acceptance and rationale of dealing with what I'll loosely call idiots, there's still room for conscience mindset to avoid such people.

And I know, sometimes you don't (I don't) feel like consciously doing, well, anything. There's blood lust for the unknown. Even with this state of being, there's still realization of the "beating a dead horse" syndrome. There's only so many times you can hear the same dead horse being beaten before you actively need to remove yourself in the spirit of hearing something new.

With all the back story and hoo hah typically involved with the idea of "family" and other factors it can be difficult, but the time has to come when you must turn your back on all of it for the best, where one reoccurring negative can outweigh a series of positives.

Even after all that is said and done, nothing is final. No opinion or judgment ever should be. Turn your back or close your mind and prove your foolishness. Exercise thoughts, but never solidify them.
